
The Telegraph found someone to prove Kirstie Allsopp right and they win facepalm of the week

You’ll no doubt have seen by now the kerfuffle caused by Kirstie Allsopp after the property TV presenter suggested young people could afford to buy their own home if only they gave up Netflix and gym memberships and moved somewhere cheaper.

It prompted no end of outraged and often very funny responses, and this one sums it up rather nicely.

As does this one.

We mention it again because the Telegraph has found someone to prove all the naysayers wrong, a 24-year-old woman who did indeed manage to buy her own home by being ‘savvy enough to make my £25k income go so much further’.

And as @Tweet_Dec pointed out over on Twitter, it’s ‘right there in the first paragraph’.

Extraordinary scenes.

To conclude …


Kirstie Allsopp’s quit Twitter – say farewell with these 5 most memorable times she went viral

Source Twitter @Tweet_Dec