
The Tory peer who accused Yorkshire of begging for handouts got a very special love letter from the Yorkshire Post




The Editor of the Yorkshire Post, James Mitchinson, had a blunt response for Lord Moylan.

He then published a “Valentine’s Day love letter to Lord Moylan” from the paper.

This is what it said.

Dearest Daniel.

I hope you are in fine fettle, warm and well fed. Thank you so much for writing to me, though I must say your contempt took me by surprise.

My apologies for not responding sooner, but I wanted to do so properly given you went to such trouble. I am 268 years old this year, and if I have learned one thing in that time it is that manners cost nothing.

With that there are two courtesies I must offer you in return; sorry and thank you.

First of all, two apologies: I am sorry, Lord Moylan, that you were upset by the concerns raised in The Yorkshire Post on Saturday by people who actually live and work in rural Britain. Quite clearly, given you spoke of everything you have read recently in The Yorkshire Post, that piece of journalism is not the only one that gave you indigestion.

Again, I am sorry, but I must advise you that this newspaper and its editor cannot be bought nor harangued into toeing your line. It will continue to fight for a fair deal for Yorkshire and the North. Certainly, I am grateful that you appear to be a loyal reader; that being the case, I would urge you to stock up on the Rennies. You are going to need them.

I am most sorry, though, that you seem to think well-researched, data-led journalism that is informed by topic experts amounts to beggars beneath you pleading for charity – let me be clear, handouts are not what we’re asking for. Simply a fair share. Which leads me on to my second courtesy…

I feel I must offer you some thank yous:

Thank you for revealing who you are and what you think of us: “a county of leftist whingers begging for handouts.” I must ask: does that sentiment run through your party, or is it unique to you? It is somewhat alarming, though, that what seems to have led you to forming your offensive view of those who live in Yorkshire is our consistent, relentless, fearless campaigning journalism on behalf of those who proudly call Yorkshire their home and this newspaper’s rejection of the toxic form of deceptive populist politics that has brought more scandal and disgrace to the great office of UK Prime Minister than it deserves.

Thank you also for your compliment: it is nice that you see Yorkshire as a place you can retreat to for a holiday, using it for your own pleasure and delight. As you were told by the editor on Friday night, you are most welcome.

Yours ever,

The Yorkshire Post

An object lesson in speaking truth to power. We really hope he read it, though he certainly wouldn’t enjoy it as much as these people.

We doubt Moylan will be doing a Yorkshire walkabout anytime soon.


This South Yorkshire Police address is an absolute joke

Source James Mitchinson Image Lord Moylan