This Sun columnist suggested posting Gen Z to the frontline to make them less woke – 19 glorious takedowns
Jane Moore, part of the most comfort-lucky generation this country is ever likely to see, who had Elton Fucking John as Best Man at her wedding, thinks the current generation,who are denied the same access to education,protection & prosperity she had, don't have real problems. pic.twitter.com/68UGq8poIH
— The Devil has many bollocks, my friend (@snowrespecter) February 16, 2022
It’s a disgusting opinion coming from anyone, but there’s something especially repellent about it coming from someone who has enjoyed a comfortable career as a lifestyle TV presenter & columnist, who has probably never been near an actual war herself. https://t.co/eQUobOwlk3
— Alex von Tunzelmann (@alexvtunzelmann) February 16, 2022
Ukrainian troops on the frontline of the Loose Women studio, monitoring activity behind the big desk pic.twitter.com/6m6W2iGspt
— Toby Earle (@TobyonTV) February 16, 2022
As you get older, you see certain stupid motifs of opinion crop up again and again; one of the most wrong-headed in my lifetime is ‘wars are useful and today’s young people could do with one’. https://t.co/BFNnL32tER
— Mark Watson (@watsoncomedian) February 16, 2022
Who can forget when Tom Hanks played Jane Moore in Saving Private Ryan?
She truly believes she is the hero that the world needs right now
— Johnfromsoho (@johnfromsoho) February 16, 2022
What I never understand about shit like this is how you can maintain this view from the position of being a columnist, the absolute cushiest job in existence. Like, does she not know? https://t.co/WR4EOtG48m
— Jonn Elledge (@JonnElledge) February 16, 2022
can we not post Jane Moore to the frontline in Ukraine instead
— dave ❄️ 🥕 🧻 (@davemacladd) February 16, 2022
Jane Moore is right. Young 'uns have no idea of the bitter struggles our generation faced: free education, student grants, well-paid jobs with final salary pensions, union representation and affordable housing.
— David__Osland (@David__Osland) February 16, 2022
i forgot about that time jane moore not only fought on the front lines but also won lots and lots of medals for her heroism.
— SloaneGhetti (@SloaneFragment) February 16, 2022
Loz Argyle had an inarguable takedown of Ms Moore’s call to arms.
Jane Moore is another wealthy right wing hack trotting out cliched war metaphors as if she's been there, i have been there, its brutal, horrific, frightening and not for the faint hearted, i suggest she talk about what she's done and stfu about things she's never experienced..
— Loz Argyle ⚓ (@ArgyleLoz) February 16, 2022
11 funny reactions to a Sun columnist’s meltdown over the Golden Globes vegan meal
Source Jane Moore Image Screengrab