These 12 popular artworks have a little something extra when they’re reimagined with cats
Ukrainian illustrator Inna Ruda has a unique and charming style, that has led to her being the illustrator of choice for several children’s books – like this one by Oksana Krotyuk.
On her social media, she shares pictures she’s drawn and painted on a very wide variety of topics, such as TV shows and internet memes.
One theme that crops up frequently is classic works of art – with cats inserted. They’re what the internet was made for – and we’ve gathered some brilliant examples for you.
1. Girl With a Pearl Earring, Vermeer
2. Bacchus, Caravaggio
3. American Gothic, Wood
4. Mona Lisa, da Vinci
5. The Scream, Munch
6. The Kiss, Klimt
7. Self-portrait With Bandaged Ear, Van Gogh
8. The Son of Man, Magritte
9. Self-portrait With Striped Shirt, Schiele
10. Portrait of the Postman Joseph Roulin, Van Gogh
11. Olympia, Manet
12. The Dance, Matisse
So you can see a sample of Inna’s drawing style, here’s her take on that Bernie Sanders photo.
“Of course this is Bernie, but also it’s me riding a bus #bernie #sanders #cat #mittens”
He must be wearing Kitten mittens.
You can follow Inna on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, or see more of her work on her own website.
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