12 explosive responses to the Daily Express’ scaremongering map of nuked London
The Daily Express responded to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine by publishing a cheery little worst-case scenario – a nuclear attack on London.
Horror map shows EXACT locations in UK to be decimated if Russia drops nuke on Londonhttps://t.co/JoPQLFn0qO pic.twitter.com/BmUWsDeuU6
— Daily Express (@Daily_Express) February 22, 2022
The comments section was, surprisingly, mostly critical of the piece.
When is the DE going to stop printing this cr-p, get a new Editor you are in charge of a scaremongering comic dressed up as a newspaper.
Irresponsible reporting at its best….. you’ve stooped to a new low ☹️.
This article is absolutely ridiculous, no one is dropping any nukes for pity sake..
Twitter wasn’t exactly thrilled with it, either.
good to see no one panicking yet pic.twitter.com/KnJQpDLUiR
— Jim Pickard (@PickardJE) February 23, 2022
We're so lucky that at times of national crisis, we can count on the Express for calm and reasoned analysis… pic.twitter.com/ndxGJJRBgb
— Edwin Hayward 🦄 🗡 (@uk_domain_names) February 22, 2022
Is it London pic.twitter.com/EA7hHhIee5
— . (@twlldun) February 23, 2022
God, can you imagine the Uber surcharge pic.twitter.com/2qydi19dAD
— Ian Ford (@ij_ford) February 23, 2022
Too nervous to click on this. Just tell me: will the Royal Albert Hall be affected pic.twitter.com/KPWgwTCbD8
— Rick Burin (@rickburin) February 23, 2022
Good to see the Daily Express holding its nerve.https://t.co/eztg73GuUm
— (((Dan Hodges))) (@DPJHodges) February 23, 2022
"Siri, show me hysteria."https://t.co/LpCvjfGJLN
— David Patrikarakos (@dpatrikarakos) February 23, 2022
critical support for vladimir putin in his determination to destroy the home counties https://t.co/AGFdObYbay
— HK (@HKesvani) February 23, 2022
There’s a lot of very, very weird stuff going on in this article from the Daily Express: from the idea that the Russians would decide to deploy an insane super-bomb from the 1960s to the description of “President Boris Johnson”… https://t.co/RhE9mFaWTs
— Beau (@DrBeauBeaumont) February 22, 2022
Appalling that if Putin nukes us, he's going to miss Basingstoke. https://t.co/D0gt68JHLJ
— Je Suis Bob Kilometre (@worgztheowl) February 23, 2022
I’ll take nuclear apocalypse if it means never having to go further out than Zone 3.
— Ash Sarkar (@AyoCaesar) February 23, 2022
Why on Earth would the Russians nuke London, when they have so much money, so many oligarchs, and such a lucrative captive market for their exported fossil fuels located there? pic.twitter.com/PeoLLpgrwt
— Beau (@DrBeauBeaumont) February 22, 2022
Harry Robertson pointed out another of many major flaws with the article.
the featured image being used here is nukemap's projection of london being hit by the tsar bomba. you know, the largest bomb ever built. which also does not exist any morehttps://t.co/aaL1zemErR
— Harry Robertson (@aitchrobertson) February 23, 2022