
This management’s response to a rival company offering to pay their staff more got entirely the responses they deserved

The corner of Reddit called ‘antiwork’ features numerous tales of bosses you’d rather not work for and this is surely a classic of its kind.

It’s a picture of one particular management’s response after a rival employer offered to pay their staff considerably more.

‘A competing company is offering us 20 percent more to work for them,’ said Redditor daniel-moseley. ‘Management’s response …’

And it’s fair to say they got entirely the responses they deserved.

‘You should be eating a bowl of cereal when you walk into your bosses office and tell him you quit.’

‘That looks like a case of upper management doesn’t give a shit and lower management trying to do what they can with stuff all money available. Classic case of much too little too late that will then cost the company a lot more to fix.’

‘Well, they are gonna be frosted when i loop my krispies outta there then.’


‘All those outlets and they couldn’t even offer you all a pot of porridge. They don’t make overlords like they used to.’

‘This is worse than pizza parties. People get all butthurt when I point out— “you know we can buy pizza any time we want, right? Like filling out an ‘anonymous survey to win a pizza party’ shouldn’t be a thing.”

‘But this is straight up cereal.’

‘Are they cerious?’


This entitled restaurant customer’s demand for a refund is a proper jaw-dropper

Source Reddit u/daniel-moseley