
Theo Paphitis shredded Nigel Farage’s plea of ‘Won’t somebody think of the oligarchs’ and we’re here for it

Nigel Farage once described Vladimir Putin as the world leader he most admired – presumably because Pol Pot was already dead by then – and has blamed the war in Ukraine on NATO.

With that in mind, it’s no surprise that – fresh from his attempt to keep the UK reliant on Russian gas – he isn’t happy about the latest sanctions against oligarchs.

Adam Bienkov summarised his complaints.

Tweeters weren’t impressed by Farage’s dubious stance.

Someone else who wasn’t impressed was Dragon’s Den’s Theo Paphitis, who was able to tell him to his face.

That went down a lot better with tweeters.

Lady Rox Lovurra-Cox🇺🇦 made this excellent point.


Nigel Farage blamed the EU and NATO for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – only 9 responses you need

Source Adam Bienkov Image Screengrab