
Rosie Holt’s satirical take on the UK-Saudi relationship was almost too realistic

Comedian Rosie Holt has a real talent for nailing the worse excesses of Tory politicans in interviews, to devastating satirical effect.

Rosie’s hilarious MP character came out in full-throated support of Boris Johnson’s Jimmy Savile slur agains Keir Starmer, perfectly parroted the Tory line of not knowing whether they’d attended parties, and had a head-spinningly awful condemnation of taking the knee.

Her Spidey senses must really have been tingling this week, when Boris Johnson set off for a chat with Saudi officials to ask for help plugging the UK’s impending shortfall in Russian oil imports.

It went as well as you’d expect.

The government sent Liz Truss out into the news studios to defend its cap-in-hand-to-dictators approach.

With her trademark clever editing and note-perfect script, Rosie nailed the essence of the government’s stance – but with added laughs.

It really is erm, you know, Russian roulette on whether you end up married to a very bad dictator or a very bad dictator.

As always, some people missed the joke.

However, the majority both got it and loved it.

To sum up –

You can follow her on Instagram and YouTube, as well as on Twitter, and if you’re feeling generous, you can support her work here.


This man defending Rosie Holt’s fictional Tory MP just made the whole thing even better

Source Rosie Holt Image Screengrab