
This all-time great video of two cats talking to each other is very funny and totally adorable

If you only watch one funny cat video this week, then make it this one, two cats talking to each other which is just the content we needed right now.

Very funny and totally adorable, no matter how many times you’ve seen it.

‘I am MELTING 😻😭😻😭😻😭😭😻😻

‘Everyone always memes about it in the comments but I really do seriously wonder what they’re ‘talking’ about. They clearly understand each other and I’m fascinated by how non vocal communication works.’

‘Cats in the wild don’t use speech to communicate. These cats learned to use speech to communicate w their human, guaranteed. Adorable they use it with each other, but this is not a behavior naturally seen in cats.’

Fellow Redditor BigBeagleEars let us know exactly what they were saying.

‘Stop pooping in my litter box’

‘It’s my litter box’

‘No, it’s my litter box’

‘No. You’ve been pooping in my litter box. Stop’

‘You stop pooping in my litter box first’

‘I’ve only ever pooped in my litter box’

‘If you keep pooping in my litter box, you need to clean it’

‘You never clean my litter box, big mouse cleans my litter box’

‘No, big mouse cleans my litter box’



‘(both at same time) I guess it’s ok if you poop in my litter box if I don’t have to clean it’


A coffee shop brutally roasted this entitled customer and it’s delicious

Source Reddit u/dump_acc_91