
This Q&A advice for employers is a salutary lesson for bosses everywhere

Over in the corner of Reddit called ‘antiwork’ there are lots of tales of terrible working conditions and rubbish bosses being given exactly the treatment they deserved.

It’s also full of useful advice, mostly for employees but just occasionally for employers too, and this is a classic case in point.

It’s a free ‘Q&A’ aimed at exactly the sort of bosses that end up in ‘antiwork’ and it’s very nicely done.

And here are just a few of the many responses it prompted.

‘Somehow the one that bothers me the most is the cost of living one. So what if it costs them less when they moved. That’s why they moved there. Not to be paid less for doing so.

‘The company is basically saying: We’ve calculated the specific amount we can underpay you to keep you from ever getting ahead in life. Oh and we’re so devoted to this concept that we’ve done the analysis by zip code.’

‘Nnnope! No way in hell! My pay either remains the same, or it goes up! It never decreases under any circumstances. Since when do these companies have the balls to just decide one day that they’re going to pay you less money?! To hell they are!! The amount I agreed to when I took the job is the absolute minimum I will accept. Where i choose to live is irrelevant and is really none of their dam business!’

‘This is more or less every job in America at this point. Hoping instead of stupid trucker convoys or typical divide et impera the masses by blaming the other party for everything and get nothing done, that this might register as an actual issue resulting in mass protesting at some point for an actual change.’


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Source Reddit u/tjohnboy