
These waitresses had the best response after the only guy gets promoted after just 5 weeks in the job

Over in the corner of Reddit called ‘antiwork’ people share stories of bosses you’ll be glad you don’t work for and just occasionally how these bosses’ staff gave them entirely the treatment they deserved.

Here’s another classic of the genre, the tale of a dozen waitresses who watched as the only man in their workplace was promoted after just five weeks in the job.

And their response had people cheering.

And here are just a few of the things people were saying about it.

‘Good luck. Glad you have solidarity with your coworkers, but sorry this is happening to you.’

‘I’ve had a restaurant owner do this! He also paid the new guy his bartender/manager wages even when he wasn’t working shifts as a manager but just a server. Oh it pissed me off. Now that guy’s restaurant is closed :). Hilarious.’

‘Please keep us posted how it goes when you all don’t show up. Good luck with your interviews.’

‘Agreed. I would pay money to be a fly on the wall that day. Please let us know how it turns out!’

And most of all, this.

‘You should all show up to eat. Party of 12 please!’


Woman has to rank 6 strangers (including her) by intelligence and it doesn’t end well

Source Reddit u/HurryTeeniebeanie Image Unsplash H/T BoredPanda