This clever cat using a pedestrian crossing has just gone viral and it’s totally pawesome
Here’s a few seconds to divert you from the reality of the outside world for a moment or two, a video of a cat using a pedestrian crossing which has just gone viral on Reddit.
By the looks of that date stamp it’s not entirely new but lots of people are enjoying it for the first time (or second, or third …)
‘This is the kinda thing that is so minuscule in the grand scheme of things yet would totally make my day if I saw it happen.’
fiddyk50‘My utmost admiration to this man for his driving awareness and joyfulness. What a great person!’
ElAligatorAgradable‘”Muhahah. Stupid shiny, noisey and smokey animals, have to stop for me, when I walk on zebra ground. Pathetic creatures!” – Cat’
Glendrix90‘He is smarter than the driver that drove on the sidewalk (on the right side)’
el_comand‘I’ve seen this irl multiple times since moving to the UK. I think they watch people standing there and making cars stop and learn how to manipulate traffic by keen observation.’
The Question Time audience laughing at this Tory MP defending Boris Johnson really does say it all
Source Reddit u/dump_acc_91