
23 properly helpful life hacks that you might actually use (no, seriously)


‘I do squats when I brush my teeth.’


‘Making my bed and straightening my room every morning. It started when I was trying to cope with major depression. Good tool.’


‘I flip my pill bottles after taking them so I remember if I took them or not. really helps if you take the same pill in morning and at night.’


‘My alarm clock is across the room, requiring me to get out of bed to turn it off. Prevents me from falling back asleep.’



‘Not leaving the house in an absolute tear to get to work. Take an extra fifteen minutes to make your bed, start/empty the dishwasher, tidy the kitchen, toss all your laundry into the basket.

‘This not only helps me be calm when I get home but I find myself less frazzled at work too.’


‘Drinking one cup of water for every two alcoholic beverages.

‘I keep a bottle of water by my bedside before I go to bed. When I wake up to go pee I chug as much as I can and pass back out.

‘End up with far less of a hangover.’


‘You dont have to follow the rules.

‘Doing half the dishes is better than doing none. Having a clean hamper and a dirty hamper is completely acceptable. Nobody said the socks in your drawer had to be paired up, either.

‘Focus on one thing in general and apply it to the whole house that day, like just do floors or surfaces. There’s nothing wrong with your kids being bored sometimes, that’s their problem. Let them figure it out, but don’t limit what they’re able to do.

‘You don’t have to “pick” what to have for dinner every night, we rotate through staples every week. If we get bored, we just eat what we feel like. Nothing wrong with a bowl of cereal and a sandwich for dinner, as long as everyone’s fed and the rest of the day wasn’t junk.’


‘Brushing with my Left hand, I’m right handed and I read back in the day that if you train your brain to use your non dominant hand you’ll be good in task management I think.’


‘Taking my dog for a 20 min. walk first thing in the morning to get my brain and body moving.

‘Filling a water bottle and leaving it on the kitchen counter before bed so I’ll remember to chug it first thing in the morning. My day is completely different when I start it off well-hydrated.

‘Doing 15-20 minutes of light cleaning after work to save from doing a ton of housework on the weekends.’


‘Moisturizing my face right after the shower.’


‘Sleep with a pillow between your legs to help alleviate back pain. I sleep with a pillow between my knees every single night, and now I have no more lower back pain.”


‘Shopping a list. Putting things on a list when they need to be replaced and the sticking to the list when I go shopping. It’s probably saved me many thousands of dollars by now.’

And finally, this.

‘Procrastinating every task in order to avoid any problem.’

Works for us.


The takedown of this ‘purebred cat’ adoption request is a proper hall of famer

Source Reddit u/Accomplished-Rough36 H/T Buzzfeed Image Unsplash Nick Page