George Galloway threatens to sue Twitter as his account is labelled ‘Russia state-affiliated media’
George Galloway has had a chequered political history, to say the least.
Initially a Labour MP before moving to the Respect Party, he flopped as an Independent candidate, founded the unionist All For Unity Party, campaigned for Brexit with Nigel Farage and voted for both the Brexit Party and the Conservatives.
He’s currently the leader of the Workers Party of Britain.
The guy’s had more parties than Boris Johnson has had work-related events involving alcohol, nibbles and mingling.
As a regular and long-standing contributor to the Russian state-controlled TV channel Russia Today, it was unsurprising when he appeared on the channel defending Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and shared pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian tweets.
It was clearly a surprise to him when his Twitter account was labelled Russia state-affiliated media.
There was just a tiny problem with that.
You literally have your Russian state funded TV show listed in your profile description… pic.twitter.com/PPzImLp5HR
— Adam Schwarz (@AdamJSchwarz) April 6, 2022
You’ve just deleted it from your profile description, so for the benefit of everyone else, here’s what it looked like 60 seconds ago with your Russian state funded RT show listed: pic.twitter.com/Q9MCLYQODm
— Adam Schwarz (@AdamJSchwarz) April 6, 2022
There was very little sympathy for his plight, judging by the reactions. Like these –
What's the Russian for "methinks he doth protest too much"?
George Galloway – Sputnik useful idiot – getting called out for what he is pic.twitter.com/hIl08XZtKb
— Otto English (@Otto_English) April 6, 2022
There isn't enough popcorn in the world https://t.co/agDKqInhqd
— Russ Jones (@RussInCheshire) April 6, 2022
This is egregious and Twitter should retract and apologize immediately.
He may be Russia state-affiliated, but you can hardly call his shows "media". pic.twitter.com/BlPilyTkj0
— Dmitry Grozoubinski (@DmitryOpines) April 6, 2022
This is. Very funny. pic.twitter.com/FOhl3yNgJV
— Rosie Holt (@RosieisaHolt) April 6, 2022
twitter to galloway pic.twitter.com/YoR1WJbpoq
— Chris Boyd 🇬🇧🇵🇭🇺🇦 (@paperghost) April 6, 2022
Next you’ll be telling us you’re no a real cat Georgie… pic.twitter.com/qQxNol7mXb
— Larry the Cat (@Number10cat) April 6, 2022
This is exactly what Russian state-affiliated media would say though, to be fair
— Sam Morgan (@SamJamesMorgan) April 6, 2022
"I MIGHT be a regular on Russian affiliated media & I MIGHT hold and spread the demonstrably false views propagated by Russian affiliated media on my social platforms, but I am disgusted that you suggest I'm Russian affiliated media. Purr purr" https://t.co/gnUf9MjlTC pic.twitter.com/BM5kOIKX4I
— DJB (@DJ_Barc) April 6, 2022