
These employers’ so-called ‘red flags’ had people hollering into next week

To the corner of Reddit called ‘antiwork’ where people call out bosses you really wouldn’t want to work for. And sometimes, you wouldn’t want to be interviewed by them either.

And these four are surely a classic case in point, after someone asked people for their ‘red flags when hiring – spiciest takes only’.

‘Why do I even bother applying for jobs anymore?’ said Redditor fhetnz who shared it.





Tough to know which one of those is most irritating (if you pushed us – are you pushing us? – we’d say the first one just because it’s so weird).

And it prompted no end of fury (and occasional disbelief) on Reddit. Here are our favourite things people said about them.

‘Asking the salary range is not a red flag to stop wasting time if the employer didn’t post that info in the job description.’

‘Tbf while I hate the idea of an employer purposefully doing this, I would not want to work with the type of person who would throw a tantrum and go into Karen mode if they got their order messed up.’

‘Im just laughing at the thought of someone ordering a lasagne and getting a pizza, with the interviewer just leaning in waiting to see if they comment or not lol.’

‘TIL [today I learned] the last 5 US vice presidents is “what’s going on in the world”.

‘umm, I’ve never used Uber in my life. Or anything like it. If I don’t have a car to drive, I ride a bike or walk.’

‘I wonder what their response to that would be.’

‘I wouldn’t be so eager to ask about the salary if you’d just f-cking told me what the salary was beforehand. There’s no point in us going through this whole interview only for you to offer me less money than I can accept.’

And, just in case like this person you were wondering …

I don’t get the salad one….

‘He judges people on their eating habits. He saw a person eat a salad with what he personally thought was too much ranch and he let that inform him on the person’s work ethic and value. Makes no sense and I don’t get it either.’


‘What used to mean you’re rich but now means the opposite?’ – 21 on the money giveaways

Source Reddit u/fhetnz