A word cloud showing public opinion of Boris Johnson is as complimentary as you’d expect
The public are not fools https://t.co/FEpY3yW644
— Jess Phillips MP (@jessphillips) April 18, 2022
Those who now claim he is a "liar, incompetent, buffoon, idiot" etc etc whilst also claiming he was the "right man to get Brexit done" should have a really hard think about what that says about Brexit.
— Phil Jones' limited and specific body double (@Philsbodydouble) April 18, 2022
Getting the vaguest sense Tories that the Country is not moving on #liar https://t.co/aj609P6AWy
— tom jamieson (@jamiesont) April 18, 2022
You Won’t Believe These Thirteen Tweets about Boris Johnson.
Especially Number Four. https://t.co/OUnFTmX6lS
— Tom Peck (@tompeck) April 18, 2022
The PM is a proven liar.
The vast majority of the public think he’s a liar.
The most common word to describe the PM is: “liar”.
Yet in Parliament you’re thrown out if you call the PM a liar.
— We have a system that clearly needs fixing.@CommonsSpeaker, over to you.
— Mike Galsworthy 🇺🇦 (@mikegalsworthy) April 18, 2022
If a picture paints a thousand words… https://t.co/mHaz8tz4Qd
— Another Cinna (@AnotherCinna) April 18, 2022
Tomorrow we will watch the spectacle of Tory MPs with their nearly 80 seat majority stand in support of a PM where the majority of the public (72%) expressing an overwhelmingly negative view with “liar” being the most common descriptor (but “an utter anus” being my favourite) https://t.co/TykmXwXtoS
— Fionna O'Leary, 🕯🇪🇺 (@fascinatorfun) April 18, 2022
“Looking on the bright side Prime Minister, incompetent *is* smaller than liar” https://t.co/sSeg4aBTb3
— Sarah (@sarahvanpelt) April 18, 2022
It could have been worse.
BREAKING: A pollster asked 2,000 people to describe the prime minister with one word and the most popular answer was "liar". Personally, I'm astonished it wasn't c*nt!
— Laura Kuenssberg Translator (@BBCLauraKT) April 18, 2022
Source James Johnson Image James Johnson, Screengrab