
This store owner trolling young people’s work attitude got entirely the responses they deserved

The sign put up in the front window of this store has gone viral on Reddit because it says a lot about the state of the economy right now, but even more about whoever owns this business.

In particular their take on young people’s attitude to work.

‘Proud of Gen Z,’ said mysterioussoup who shared it.

And just in case that’s tricky to read …

I apologies for us closing AGAIN.

My 2 new cashiers quit because I said their boyfriends couldn’t sand here for their entire shift.

Don’t hire Get Zs. They don’t know what work actually means.

NOW hiring.

* Baby Boomers only. Thanks!

And we’re glad to say it got entirely the responses it deserved. Here are our favourite things people said about it over on Reddit.

‘I wonder if they’re aware that boomers are at the age where they’re leaving the workforce, not joining it?’

‘I wonder if they would keep justifying low salaries with the “its a starter job” answer if boomers applied.’

‘Maybe they could offer them nostalgia wages. $1.00 an hour just like the good old days when they entered the workforce.’

‘FFS. I’m a boomer, and the last place I’d work is somewhere with only boomers.’

‘The entire place shuts down because literally nobody can open the PDF.’

‘Yes boomers, show us how it’s done. Let’s see your work ethic for 12/hr * (up to)’


‘Americans who have visited Europe, what was the biggest shock for you?’ – 23 jaw-droppers

Source Reddit u/mysterioussoup