17 people who played by the rules but still stuck it to the man in the most satisfying fashion
The definition of ‘Stick it to the man’ – at least, the one we just looked up – is to ‘show resistance to or fight back against the established doctrines of a person or body of authority, especially the government’.
And these supremely satisfying moments are classic cases in point, 17 people who played by the rules but still managed to stick it to the man in magnificent style (some more seriously than others, obviously …)
1. ‘Celebrating pride despite our HOA [Home Owners’ Association] not allowing Pride Flags. They don’t regulate yard lights though, so…There’s always a loophole!’
2. ‘My wife is a teacher and found this while marking an assessment’
3. ‘Unauthorized Protests Are Forbidden In Russia, So Artists In St. Petersburg Decided To Do Some Open-Air Practice’
4. ‘This old lady came to the bank …
5. ‘The HOA In My Friend’s Neighborhood Recently Threatened Her Neighbors With A Fine If They Didn’t Hide Their Trash Cans. This Is Their Solution.’
6. ‘This Restaurant Is Only Allowed To Sell Beer If Someone Buys Food’
7. ‘He Saw Us Feeding The Ducks And Pretended To Be One’
8. ‘Satellite Dishes Are Strictly Forbidden’
9. ‘Five Words’