We wish we loved anything as much as Dr Tatiana loves explaining Physics
Dr. Tatiana Erukhimova of Texas A&M University – TAMU – has built up an avid fanbase for her videos on TAMU’s TikTok, in which she enthusiastically demonstrates and explains scientific principles.
Here she is explaining inertia, using a massive potato.
Watch on TikTok
The potato clip went wildly viral, and it looks like a recent experiment to demonstrate atmospheric pressure is heading in the same direction.
Watch on TikTok
The biggest takeaway from that is ‘Don’t lend Dr. Tatiana your ruler.’
These TikTok comments reflect hundreds more.
I want this woman to explain everything to me.
Ghost of a fox made of Potato
At first I thought it was gonna be a joke, but this is educational. Lol.
Hamad Sayeed
The clip made its way to Twitter, where it brought great joy.
cannot stress enough how much you need to watch this with the sound on. pic.twitter.com/olUm8rhNgB
— himbo nice (@anicacihla) July 1, 2022
Give her the Nobel in physics, right now. https://t.co/IrpxIktisq
— Hend Amry (@LibyaLiberty) July 2, 2022
Normally I am deeply mistrustful of enthusiastic individuals but I would lay down my life for this professor of physics. https://t.co/QPMpWI6HCt
— Dr Philip Lee (@drphiliplee1) July 1, 2022
We’ll leave you with this response from TikToker Fire fox.
So that’s how paper beats rock.
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This Skittles-based science experiment has been getting some sweet reactions on TikTok
Source TAMU Image Screengrab