
People shared the stupidest ‘sins’ banned by their religious parents – 19 proper jaw-droppers

Your parents didn’t have to be religious for them to ban stuff for stupid reasons, but it definitely appears to have helped.

We only mention it after thecyriousone asked this over on Reddit.

‘People who grew up with extremely religious parents, what were some dumb things they claimed were “sins”?’

And it prompted some very funny, occasionally relatable, and sometimes properly sad responses. Here are 19 most likely to drop your jaw.


‘I wasn’t allowed to watch He-Man because “he says ‘I have the power’ and only God has the power.”


‘I got my Pokémon games and cards taken away after my parents found out that Pokémon evolve. They didn’t want me to grow up believing in evolution.’


‘Dancing. And my mom nearly had a heart attack when I told her that drinking wasn’t a sin, but it was a sin to say it was a sin.’

“Dancing is the vertical expression of a horizontal act.”


‘The 2 that stand out the most are:

‘Coming home to find my pikachu stuffed animal’s ears cut off to 1/3 length and sewed at the new ends since the old ears were too long and were basically the devil’s horns.

‘Being forced to throw out my extensive deck of yugi-oh cards. I had the best deck in my class and played at recess all the time.

‘I’m agnostic now …’


‘If you thought about sinning, you may as well have done it.

‘So I would for example, get punished and have to beg forgiveness just because I looked at the cookie jar after I had been told I couldn’t have one. They could decide at random what they were convinced was going on in my head.’


‘I didn’t grow up with religious parents, but living in the south, all my friends parents were.

‘I remember being around 10 years old and was eating breakfast after spending the night at a friend’s place. We started talking about Harry Potter and his mom fucking loses it saying that magic is Satan’s work and to not talk about that evil stuff in her house. Even at 10 I was like, man that’s weird.’


‘Listening to secular music. I found an alarm clock that played radio stations and my brother and I would trade off nights sleeping with it under our pillows, so we could listen to the latest grunge music.

‘Also, Halloween was a sin and we had to sit in the house with the lights off.

‘Having more than one pair of ear piercings was a sin (and even getting that first set took years of convincing).

They associated puppets with the occult, so we weren’t allowed to watch Sesame Street or even most Disney movies (they contained magic, which is, you guessed it, a sin).’


‘Chewing gum, because it was sexual.’

‘Wait till they find out how one eats a popsicle or a banana.’


‘Smurfs? Evil.

‘Care Bears? Evil.

‘Alf? Evil.

‘Star Wars? Evil.

‘Lord of the Rings? Evil.

‘Star Trek? Evil.

‘Christmas? Evil.

‘Santa? Anagram for Satan.

‘Easter? Evil.

‘Halloween? Pagan, ergo evil.

‘Harry Potter? Evil.

‘Dating? Evil.

‘Holding hands or kissing? Evil.

‘Birthdays? Evil.

‘Pork or shellfish? Evil.

‘Shaving your legs? Cosmetics, pierced ears, plucking your eyebrows, dressing in good fitting clothes not 5-10 years out of date? Evil.

‘Body piercings? See Entry: “Catholics”

‘Credit Unions, or any kind of union for that matter? Evil.

‘Other denominations? A threat.

‘Catholics? The whore of Babylon.

‘Pope? Antichrist.

‘Asking “why?” or any response other than immediate or “how high?” to “jump!” Rebellious, bullheaded, disrespectful, and.. you guessed it, evil.

‘There’s probably lots more, but it served to raise generations of kids cowed by the outside world, and pretty much all adults. If you didn’t end up cowed, you ended up angry, and that falls under the category of.. well you get the picture.

‘One other memory jumps to mind. A recent conversation with my mom about how much I was enjoying the Star Trek franchises of the 90s, adding a caveat that “I know you don’t approve, but”. To which she replied, “I don’t really know anything about it.”

‘I have a feeling that this may also apply to that church’s lengthy list as above.’