The Daily Mail’s rapid reverse ferret over the extreme heat tells you all you need to know – 13 scalding takedowns
Time now for ‘How the Daily Mail Operates, part 346.’
You might remember all of, ooh, one day ago, when the Mail’s front page mocked the ‘sunny day snowflake Britain had a meltdown’.
So much so that they even put ‘extreme heat’ in quotation marks because, you know, it might not actually be real.
In the 24 hours that followed new day and night record temperatures were set in the UK and this sort of thing happened.
BREAKING: A large fire has broken out and has spread to a residential area in Wennington, Greater London as temperatures exceed 40C in the UK for the first time.https://t.co/tZQg6n04ME
📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/pdnEDru8DH
— Sky News (@SkyNews) July 19, 2022
And this.
BREAKING:Dartford Heath on fire as Heatwave Britain turns into a tinder box. Flames lick the A2 (pic: Emily French) pic.twitter.com/qQJVKhWI1P
— Nathan Rao💙 (@ExpressNathan) July 19, 2022
And this.
And this was today’s Daily Mail front page.
And here’s exactly what people made of that.
Life comes at you fast. pic.twitter.com/0To8IaDLvy
— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) July 20, 2022
Don't worry, we can just pretend we didn't publish the first one pic.twitter.com/HAGqIVTmas
— Brian Moore (@brianmoore666) July 19, 2022
Watching the papers learn “hot make fire” in real time pic.twitter.com/O4JHfTcSqE
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) July 20, 2022
What a difference the hottest day of all time makes… #TomorrowsPapersToday pic.twitter.com/qogSMtPV0V
— christhebarker (@christhebarker) July 19, 2022
The Mail editorial yesterday has not aged well pic.twitter.com/8DrU28Lipt
— Phil O’Farrell (@po228) July 20, 2022
Oh this is simply perfect. https://t.co/rAUpcUBTRB
— Brendan May (@bmay) July 19, 2022
Daily Mail shitting themselves now cause the fires are happening in the Home Counties https://t.co/02N9bYegz4
— Megan Townsend (@mmtowns) July 19, 2022
that’s the secret of British newspapers – each day is victory over your memories
— Robin Ince 💙 (@robinince) July 19, 2022
We need to take the word “woke” away from the Daily Mail, like a parent would take away a toy that a toddler is about to shove up its nose
— Badgerwocky #ToriesOut (@badgerwocky) July 19, 2022
Separate but definitely related, was this.
The Daily Mail has – you've guessed it – given over its lead comment slot today to a writer attacking the "woke" "climate alarmist" Met Office.
I'd never heard of him, though. So I googled him.
He's a "speech writer and consultant" for "companies operating in the energy sector" pic.twitter.com/kuslf0a0AA
— Leo Hickman (@LeoHickman) July 19, 2022
To conclude …
Daily Mail is having an absolutely nightmare. For years, politicians have trembled in terror at it. But over the last few months, its political antenna seems to have completely broken: on partygate, on Johnson, on Truss.
— Ian Dunt (@IanDunt) July 20, 2022
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