
This boss’s request of an employee they just made redundant got exactly the response they deserved

Over in the corner of Reddit called ‘antiwork’ people share stories of bosses you’re very glad you don’t work for.

This one was a classic case in point, a text exchange which took place after this person had already been made redundant and it’s proper next level stuff.

‘I’m still in shock,’ said ScooterBobb who shared it.

Kudos for the perfect payoff!

And just a few of the things people said about it.

‘You’re fired! now get back to work!’

‘Hard to be professional with the guy who made sure you didn’t have a profession.’

‘I was rolling on “Bless your heart.” 😂😂’

‘Your responses are perfect. Right to the point, no nonsense.’

“Just thought you would’ve been professional” you’ve got to be joking, Some of the shit that people come up with is unreal, to fire someone then ask them for work related information, f-ck that.’

“As I am no longer under a contract, I’m happy to assist under my standard consultant fee schedule. $130/hour, 4 hour minimum.”

And just in case you were wondering …

‘What was their response?’

‘She told me she has a bunch of respect for me and gave me a ☺️ emoji. I never responded it’s not worth my time. When someone is that naive and narcissistic there is no getting through to them.’


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Source Reddit u/ScooterBobb