14 DIY projects that are simply so bad they’re almost brilliant
Most of us have had a go at doing a bit of DIY, and most of us have messed it up at least once. Sometimes that’s all it takes to put you off for life, and there’s no more doing it yourself.
We wonder whether the people on Reddit’s r/DiWhy forum recognised how badly they’d messed up – and if they carried on doing it themselves spectacularly badly.
Whatever the makers/fixers thought, everybody else got a laugh out of these projects that were either very badly done or just a dreadful idea to start with.
1. Why would’t you want to wash yourself with ants?
2. Ear ear
3. Save the bother of painting your toenails – by painting your tights
4. Not that type of buttons
5. Don’t go through the car wash
6. Or just aim better
7. Exhibit A in the coroner’s report