
This school name change vote took a most unfortunate twist

It’s been eight years – eight years! – since a UK public poll to name a new polar research vessel was won by Boaty McBoatface.

It didn’t quite end up that way but it appears the lessons still haven’t been learned after the public were invited to decide the name of a school.

And this happened, as shared by BaronVonBroccoli over on Reddit.

And these are our favourite things people said about it.

‘Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can’t Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too.’

‘Who tf would turn down Bruce Lee Elementary?! Kung Fu fighting during recess is fucking legal y’all! Beat they asses!!’

‘I love that the boaty mcboatface meme still exists.’

‘This reminds me of time when city council in my city (in Slovakia) decided to let public vote for the name of the newly build bridge. Chuck Norris won. By far.

‘After that they have decided it was bad idea and named it “bridge of freedom” (it is placed above remains of former Iron curtain). Official reason was that there is law in Slovakia that municipalities can’t name infrastructure after living person, but everyone knows that thay just knew that no one crosses Chuck Norris and lives.’

‘When will we learn to never ask the public to name things? It’s been long enough. We should know by now.’


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Source Reddit u/BaronVonBroccoli