This old Ben Stiller impression of Tom Cruise has just gone viral and it’s a most welcome 16 seconds escape
For reasons that aren’t entirely clear or important, this old clip of Ben Stiller doing a hilarious impression of Tom Cruise – in front of Tom Cruise – has just gone wildly viral.
And not only is it a very welcome escape from everything else that is going on right now, it’s also very, very good.
Not for nothing did it go viral in the subReddit called r/contagiouslaughter.
‘Spot on.’
HuffnDobak‘Which one is Tom Cruise again?’
OffbeatBat‘And thus the friendship that would become Tropic Thunder began.’
GearJunkie82‘It started when Ben Stiller did “The Hustler of Money.”
‘They were supposed to do a Hardy Boys movie together called “Hardy Men” but it never happened, and we got Tropic Thunder instead.’
canteen_boy‘F-ckk I want that movie.’
TMA_01‘These shorts during the MTV movie awards were amazing.
“Now I’m just thinking crazy here, what if, just spit balling, what if right before Tom Cruise crashes into that guy mid air… time freezes, we zoom in on Tom..He turns to the camera, and says “this mission just got a hell of a lot more impossibler”
And the clip in full …
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