
This guy’s Tinder profile went wildly viral and it really does go the extra mile

We’ve never been on Tinder, as we might have mentioned before, and we’ve no idea how we’d cope if we did.

And our sense of complete and utter inadequacy in this regard has never been quite so yawning as it was after reading the Tinder profile put together by ‘Kyle, 26’.

It’s just gone wildly viral on Reddit for reasons which are about to become obvious.

‘Kyle likes to go above and beyond,’ said Redditor sassylady88 who shared it.

And here are our favourite things people said about Kyle, 26.

‘If that before/during/after graph doesn’t seal the deal for you everytime, I’m not sure what would.’

‘I definitely didn’t read that as “above average cook” 😂’

‘Kyle has finally cracked the code of showing us all how PowerPoint can be exciting and fun.

‘Corporate America: listen and learn.’

‘This guy is going to email you a “Tell me how I’m doing!” survey after each date / sexy time and trend the data over time to ensure he’s hitting his KPI’s.’

To conclude …

‘If this doesn’t produce incredible return and results, then there’s little hope for the rest of us.’


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Source Reddit u/sassylady88