
A Tory MP told Gary Lineker to stick to football and Brian Moore’s takedown was A++

Tory MP Steve Brine isn’t the first – and probably won’t be the last – to tell Gary Lineker to stick to football on Twitter, but not many of them end up owned in quite this style.

The Match of the Day man, as you’ll probably know, likes to tweet about all sorts of issues and invariably goes viral when he does so.

Like this recent tweet about sewage and our water companies, for instance.

Tory MP Steve Brine – who you’d have thought would know a thing or two about salt water – wasn’t happy about it, and told BBC director general Tim Davie at a Commons committee this week.

This response really nailed it.

As did James O’Brien over on LBC when he said this.

But it surely doesn’t get much better than this, from former England rugby union international and all-round good guy Brian Moore, who did this.


Last word to Gary Lineker.

And this.


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Source Twitter @brianmoore666