
Everything you need to know about trickle-down economics in 34 seconds

The new PM’s broad fiscal strategy can be summed up as trickle-down economics. She insists that making the richest richer through tax cuts will get them spending more, which will boost the economy – and those at the bottom of the pile will benefit.

Others disagree.

Even this guy weighed in…

Because not everybody is entirely sure what the term means, the Exploding Heads have put together this explanation – a ‘for dummies’ guide sort of thing. It’ll clear any misconceptions right up.

“Here’s the plan. We give the top 1% more money …”

And there you have it. A far more succinct appraisal of that mini-budget than we’ve seen anywhere else. Tweeters appreciated the honesty.

In short –

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Source @Exploding_Heads Image Screengrab