
Richard Bacon’s 16-second takedown of Liz Truss was brutally on the money

To BBC1’s Question Time – no, stick with us, please – where Richard Bacon was among the panellists and all the talk, naturally, was of Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarteng’s catastrophic budget.

And there might not be a harsher, fairer and more succinct verdict on Truss’s performance as PM so far than this 16-second take from Bacon.



And here he is again, slightly longer this time.

And the look on local government minister Paul Scully’s face (the guy with the beard on Bacon’s left, as if you didn’t know) surely says it all.

And it also reminded us why Bacon would make such a great presenter.


Every time Liz Truss was owned by local radio in one place is 3 minutes exceedingly well spent

Source Twitter @implausibleblog