People are absolutely furious at how this man eats pizza
Food blogger Rosario Rapisarda’s Instagram account is a veritable feast of clips of Rosario really, really enjoying his food.
He recently shared this unusual way of tackling a pizza – and it has to be seen to be believed.
A shorter version found its way onto the Whistle Worthy TikTok account, where they wrote –
Would you eat your pizza like this?
It seems most people wouldn’t.
This is illegal.
No, never. This way I can’t enjoy every single part of the pizza. It would just take some secs to eat it and that would be so sad for a delicious pizza.
No I wouldn’t and you shouldn’t either.
No I would be a disgrace to my Italian family.
Je Moeder
This is a horror and an abomination.
But, you know, it takes all sorts to make a world.
When I’m hungry I don’t care.
Hell yeah!
To prove that he can eat pizza without too much controversy, here’s another meal.
There was an attempt to cook pizza – and it went from bad to worse
Source Rosario Rapisarda H/T Digg Image Screengrab