
The remorse of this person dared to steal from a vending machine is making everyone’s day better

There’s a corner of Reddit called ‘made me smile’ which, as the name suggests, is a ‘place to share things that made you smile or brightened up your day. A generally uplifting subreddit’.

And this is a classic case in point.

‘Found this under my office door, along with $6,’ said mikehimself29.

And our favourite things people said about it.

‘~Signed Alex, Age 32.’

‘Somebody is raising that kid right. Make mistakes? Sure. Make it right? Absolutely.’

‘Acknowledging wrong doing, apologizing and making up for what you’ve done is difficult! I’m proud of this person for swallowing their pride and trying to doing better once they realized their mistake. Courage and honest matter.’

‘This kid is destined to be a great person.’

‘The kid IS already.’

Amen to that.


Repair shop sign of the day

Source Reddit u/mikehimself29