
James O’Brien absolutely nailed this analogy for the PM’s mini budget argument

Although it feels much longer, it’s only five weeks and two days since Liz Truss became prime minister, and it’s been almost constant chaos ever since.

The argument rages on about whether the mini budget, which heavily favoured the rich and the principle of trickle-down economics, is the reason for a drop in the value of the pound and a spike in the cost of borrowing.

In the ‘No’ corner, we have the government, a couple of multi-millionaires and your Aunt Marge who posts poetry about the good old days on Facebook. In the other corner, we have – well – everyone else.

During Wednesday’s PMQ, Liz Truss responded to Keir Starmer’s question about why the public should fund her tax cuts by reminding him that a larger part of the budget capped domestic energy prices.

James O’Brien was very quick to come up with a beautiful analogy, which he explained to LBC’s political editor, Theo Usherwood. Watch how it unfolded.

‘How can she claim that helping people with paying their energy bills is in any way linked to the tax cuts, because they both involve money coming out of the treasury?’

‘It’s a bit like you saying to me, if we were married, and I went out and bought a Lamborghini, and you said “How the hell are you going to pay for that Lamborghini?” and I say “Don’t worry – I’ve bought a Porsche as well.”‘

We think he nailed it – and so did these people.

David Lane Pusey dropped the PM’s argument into the analogy.

Let’s just take another look at Theo’s face as he contemplates marriage to James O’Brien.



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Source LBC Image Screengrab