The Telegraph said blackouts could be ‘just the ticket’ for young people – only 9 responses you need
To the world of Telegraph columnist Robert Taylor, who’s been having a good think about the possibility of energy shortages in the UK and across Europe this winter and come up with a ‘silver lining’ you (or anyone else) might not have thought of.
We’ve read a bit of it so you don’t have to and, well, here’s a bit of what the Telegraph columnist had to say.
‘Blackouts could be just the ticket to shake some of today’s youngsters out of that sublime sense of entitlement and self-righteousness.
‘At a time when the sensitive ones need counselling after watching Rod Liddle on Question Time, the horror of losing the means to power up their phones might jolt them back to reality – and back to real-world problems, rather than obsessing about whether Baden-Powell should be cancelled and tapes of Fawlty Towers burned.
‘Meanwhile, a blackout or two might demonstrate the naivety of the extreme net-zero agenda.
‘It’s all very well asserting the evils of fossil fuels when you’re sitting in a junior common room sipping tea, or blocking the M25 on a frantic Friday. But things become trickier once the lights literally go out. Suddenly, you’re grateful for a bit of Norwegian crude.’
That’s quite enough of that. And these responses surely say it best.
The Telegraph comment section has entered what can only be described as "the extreme cognitive dissonance phase". https://t.co/kFKNCElBV6
— Sam Freedman (@Samfr) October 13, 2022
A society that hates its own children. pic.twitter.com/YnLNjshOwk
— Mic Wright (@brokenbottleboy) October 13, 2022
Absolutely deranged paper, cheering on blackouts because they’ll happen under the Tories and they’ll also be shit for the young pic.twitter.com/6TYB30euTY
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) October 13, 2022
— Henry Mance (@henrymance) October 13, 2022
The levels of desperation the right wing press are reaching here is just sad. Give it up lads the game's over, you're not gonna meme people into thinking that winter blackouts and food shortages are good actually. https://t.co/Kecr6fwYRs
— Liam Bright (@lastpositivist) October 13, 2022
ditto nuclear war pic.twitter.com/QsG6vZRJea
— Jim Pickard 🐋 (@PickardJE) October 13, 2022
I see that rabid hostility to the youth seems to be just the tonic to please certain members of the Telegraph’s readership. pic.twitter.com/B9nj50vHXj
— Mike Galsworthy (@mikegalsworthy) October 13, 2022
Wonder if the Robert Taylor who thinks power cuts will shake young people's entitlement…. is related to the Robert Taylor who threw a fit because the pandemic stopped him drinking chianti on the Amalfi coast pic.twitter.com/0lX2lmacmp
— Otto English (@Otto_English) October 13, 2022
Krishnan Guru-Murthy’s clarification of this NSFW description of Jacob Rees-Mogg was A++
Source Telegraph Image Unsplash @ToniOprea