
Miriam Margolyes told Radio 4 what she wanted to call Jeremy Hunt and it’s an NSFW delight

Miriam Margolyes is famously straight-talking as anyone who has watched her on the Graham Norton Show (or indeed anywhere else) will testify.

So perhaps Radio 4’s Today programme should have know what might be coming after she appeared on the programme after new chancellor, Jeremy Hunt.

Miriam was on the show to talk about the great Robbie Coltrane, who has died aged 72, but the conversation turned to Hunt, who’d been sitting in the studio chair before her.

And this happened (wait for it …)

Here’s a slightly longer clip for just a little bit more context.

A sheer delight.

And here are just a few of the many, many things people were saying about it today.




23 funniest things people are saying about PM (at the time of writing) Liz Truss

Source Twitter @dinosofos