Jacob Rees-Mogg was mocked into the 19th century for dating his resignation letter ‘St. Crispin’s Day’
Despite many of Rishi Sunak’s new cabinet positioning themselves to the right of Genghis Khan, one right-winger who didn’t make it was Boris Johnson cheerleader, Jacob Rees-Mogg.
BREAK: And so it begins. Just heard that Jacob Rees-Mogg has resigned from govt. A close ally of both Johnson and Truss, I’m told his letter has been delivered to the new PM
— Beth Rigby (@BethRigby) October 25, 2022
He posted the letter on his website.
We didn’t realise he was a doctor.
In case you couldn’t read that – and, let’s face it, you couldn’t – this is what it says.
Dear Prime Minister,
Many congratulations on your appointment as Prime Minister. I wish you every success.
As you will rightly want your own team I would be grateful if you would convey my resignation as Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to The King.
It has been an honour to serve in this and previous roles but having completed some of today’s Parliamentary business it is time to go.
In the interests of the nation, the Conservative Party must unite under your leadership and I shall do all I can to support you.
I have the honor to remain &c.,
Jacob Rees-Mogg
The date is written as ‘St Crispin’s Day, 2022’. Even Hyacinth Bucket would find that a bit pretentious.
Tom Newton Dunn had more information.
Jacob Rees-Mogg's resignation letter. He has told friends it was his decision to go, and would have resigned to Liz Truss last night if he didn't have to take Business Questions this morning. pic.twitter.com/EETgpSTSoe
— Tom Newton Dunn (@tnewtondunn) October 25, 2022
Which is interesting, because he was still saying he would be in a Sunak cabinet on Tuesday morning.
The scorn was visible from space.
By using 'St Crispin's day' he is trying to tap into a heroic English tradition, of Henry V, Shakespeare and Agincourt (fought today in 1415).
But it comes across as arrogant, preening, cosplay. https://t.co/ZOCpZYx6d5— Dan Snow (@thehistoryguy) October 25, 2022
Pharmacy has also kindly requested the prescriber not to use "St Crispin's Day" as the date and use a standard Gregorian calendar format.
— Dr Philip Lee (@drphiliplee1) October 25, 2022
Such an arsehole https://t.co/HDnabMh6V1
— Irvine Welsh (@IrvineWelsh) October 25, 2022
Exclusive picture of Jacob Rees-Mogg's resignation letter: pic.twitter.com/01nXJMH8RB
— Have I Got News For You (@haveigotnews) October 25, 2022
See, this is why he’s shit. If he really was the old fashioned gent he pretends to be, he’d have known the correct stupid show off dating should have been ‘Die Festi Sancti Crispin et Crispinianus Anno Regni I Carolus III’ https://t.co/LKQZlpDTUm
— Gary Brannan (@garybrannan) October 25, 2022
St Crispin's Day seems to come round sooner every year https://t.co/7liZiwwlPp
— Jane Merrick (@janemerrick23) October 25, 2022
Presumably he remains in post while Rishi Sunak tries to decipher it https://t.co/IWHywldaI2
— Ben Kentish (@BenKentish) October 25, 2022
Jacob Rees-Mogg has resigned. His letter of resignation has been delivered to the Prime Minister. The letter should have actually got there yesterday, but the carrier pigeon got lost.
— Amanda (@Pandamoanimum) October 25, 2022
If you take a copy of Jacob Rees-Mogg's handwritten resignation letter to a pharmacy they'll give you a prescription for a large bottle of laudanum and a quart of cod liver oil. pic.twitter.com/0Ob8j6YR5T
— paul bassett davies (@thewritertype) October 25, 2022
The affectation is just utterly bizarre. Isn’t the idea of a date so that people know when you wrote a letter without consulting Wikipedia? For someone so obsessed with appearing to be an aristocrat, he consistently gets it wrong. Fuck off Jacob, and take St Crispin with you. https://t.co/n6pXYodKRS
— Adam spooKay (does that work?) (@amateuradam) October 25, 2022
Do they not teach penmanship at the Vampire Academy? https://t.co/SJeKqMh9Ml
— David (@discokidnap) October 25, 2022
Trying to read Jacob Rees-Mogg’s resignation letter pic.twitter.com/9xbRow3wWB
— Nadine Batchelor-Hunt (@nadinebh_) October 25, 2022
A twat to the very end, date – St Crispin's day! pic.twitter.com/lqiS4tWrUm
— Brexitshambles (@brexit_sham) October 25, 2022
sorry but this is the sort of thing that matters to him so I'm gonna say it: this man's cursive is absolutely shit, it's like he never learned joined-up writing properly https://t.co/OkZLg6cxrH
— Another Angry Woman (@stavvers) October 25, 2022
How apt. St Crispin was the patron saint of cobblers. https://t.co/pdlOoVzb84
— Paul Vallely (@pvall) October 25, 2022
Rick Burin had a slightly different opinion of what Rees-Mogg’s scrawl actually said.
I have transcribed Jacob Rees-Mogg's resignation letter for your ease of reading. pic.twitter.com/eLk9QRLc0I
— Rick Burin (@rickburin) October 25, 2022
Looks legit.
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Source Jacob Rees-Mogg Image Jacob Rees-Mogg, Screengrab