
This company’s outrageous mobile phone policy got just the responses it deserved

To the corner of Reddit called ‘antiwork’ which is full of tales of employers that you’re really glad you don’t work for.

And this is a classic of the genre, a company’s outrageous mobile phone policy shared by Redditor sleazycookies who said: ‘My bf started a new job, sent me this, and turned off his phone.’

Just in case that’s tricky to read (it’s probably tricky to read …)

Due to recent lapses in judgment regarding cell phone use at work, the following policy is now in palace from this point forward:

All cell phones must be kept turned off at work at all times. This means completely turned off so that the phone won’t ring, vibrate or make any other noise or function in any way. This doesn’t mean to just turn the screen off, this means that the entire phone must be completely powered off. Only … are permitted to use their cell phones at work.

Your cell phone must be completely out of sight. Ladies, keep them in your purses or bags or desks or counter. Men, keep them in your pocket or desk or the counter. I should not see a cell phone at all.

You are not permitted to charge your cell phone at work. There is no need to charge it if you aren’t going to use it. Charge it at home.

If someone is observed … during work hours using their cell phone in any way, charging their cell or if a cell phone is in sight, the employee’s wages will be reduced by $2 per hour for one month for the first occurrence. If there is a second occurrence, the employee will be fired for violating this cell phone policy.

This is not a joke, and I suggest that you do not test this new policy’s validity, as there is zero tolerance towards cell phone use at work. You are paid to work, not use your cell phone. If you think you can’t find something to do, start cleaning the entire store. Then when you’re done with that, start over cleaning the entire store.

If someone needs to get in touch with you at work, give them the telephone number …

Extraordinary stuff. And it got just the responses it deserved.

‘Next week there will be a memo sent out that you can’t wear a watch at work.’

‘The only thing more offensive than this policy is that this mutherfucker began a sentence with the phrase “If someone is observed by myself…”

‘Ya work better not call me on my cell phone out of work its gonna be a 2$ extra per call.’

“I’m going to violate wage laws and I’m even giving it to you in writing”

‘Fucking idiot.’

‘A lot of diabetics rely on the phone for insulin scheduling.

‘This could be an ADA lawsuit.’

“I suggest you do not test this new policy’s validity…”

‘God this reeks of insecurities from management. I would honestly walk immediately if I started this job less than a month ago. People have mentioned disabilities but what about people who have kids?’

‘Shit time to start looking for a new job already.’

‘One week later: Guys, the store phones are not for personal phone calls. You need to stop telling people to call the store to get in touch with you.’


The ‘best letter ever written’ is even better when Miriam Margolyes reads it

Source Reddit u/sleazycookies