
Shop sign of the day

Latest in an occasional series, shop sign of the day goes to this, shared by Redditor RevolutionaryTell668 who said: ‘More businesses need to be like this!’

Nicely done! They obviously took their time making it …

And here’s just a little bit of the love it generated.

‘Gotta wonder about the customer shitshow that prompted that.’

‘I’ve learned very recently that actually the world can wait for many many things. There’s no rush. Leads to everything to be better.’

‘Great management. What I love about this is that it is protective of the treatment of employees. Like, professionals should not be pressured by customers to rush. Period. Fuck people that do this.’

‘I love when my sandwiches are chill and relaxed.’

“Making your sandwich is not a life or death matter, ma’am. And with that attitude, I really don’t care if you run over your lunch break by a few minutes.”


You won’t see a funnier (or more effective) way of cutting your fuel bills this year

Source Reddit u/RevolutionaryTell668