Comeback of the day
Latest in an occasional series, comeback of the day goes to this exchange which has just gone wildly viral on Reddit.
‘Intelligence vs. Incelligence,’ said BurningBernie559 who shared it.
Mega oof.
And here are our favourite things people said about it.
‘ETA two weeks before Incelligence is common vocabulary on the internet and there’s a Buzzfeed article on it.’
do_not_engage“Why aren’t women throwing themselves at me?! I have an IQ of 130, i empty my piss jugs regularly and barely have any skid marks on my gaming chair!”
sokocanuck‘This is f-cking perfect.’
1BannedAgain‘How come the people who cite evolution and biology to defend their viewpoints are always terrible embodiments of those things?’
TyroneLeinster‘I’ve never heard of the term ‘incelligence’ and yet I wish to use it.
‘All the time.’
‘Contact Merriam-Webster immediately. Every moment this is not an official addition to the English language is an insult.
The Mail mistook a spoof Tory MP for the real thing and it’s just fabulous
Source Reddit u/BurningBernie559