Matt Hancock has signed up for I’m A Celebrity – 17 favourite responses
Former health secretary Matt Hancock has been busy trying to reinvent himself since finding himself out of government, from that job with the United Nations that never happened to filling in for James O’Brien on his LBC radio show.
Since this moment made it abundantly clear that Rishi Sunak won’t be touching him with a sanitised barge pole …
I am going to watch this clip over & over, forever… @MattHancock being completely ignored by @RishiSunak 😆👏 pic.twitter.com/6y2XECxUi0
— Kathryn Flett (@kateflett) October 24, 2022
… Hancock has opted for his most dramatic new look yet – as a contestant on ITV’s I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here.
What a fucking doughnut. pic.twitter.com/qNiwBE6PBU
— Supertanskiii (@supertanskiii) November 1, 2022
He’s still a sitting Tory MP, obviously, and his party’s immediate response was to withdraw the party whip. His local Conservative Association wasn’t too impressed either.
Fair to say @MattHancock's local Conservative Association is unimpressed. Andy Drummond, deputy chairman (political) of West Suffolk Conservative Association, told @PA: "I’m looking forward to him eating a kangaroo’s penis. Quote me. You can quote me that.”
— David Hughes (@DavidHughesPA) November 1, 2022
It prompted no end of comment as you might imagine and here are our favourite 17 things people had to say about it.
Once again perplexed by the rules of British politics, that dictate Matt Hancock loses the Tory whip for going on I'm a Celeb, but not for overseeing tens of thousands of needless deaths during the pandemic
— Sam Bright (@WritesBright) November 1, 2022
Matt Hancock believes he is charming and likeable, that's why he's doing I'm A Celebrity. "The British public will see that I'm VERY cool". Despite all available evidence he thinks he's a fantastic lad. What's the opposite of paranoid? He's that.
— Sooz Kempner (@SoozUK) November 1, 2022
If Matt Hancock would rather go on I'm A Celebrity than serve his constituents while being paid lots of money to be an MP, he should face an immediate by-election. Against me. RT if you agree.
— Count Binface (@CountBinface) November 1, 2022
Given his track record, it's very brave of Matt Hancock to go on a show that uses hidden cameras
— Alexander Brown (@AlexofBrown) November 1, 2022
Our one hope is that Matt Hancock constantly loses the entire camp precious food during the challenges he will inevitably be voted for until tensions reach a Lord of the Flies style crescendo and Sue Cleaver from Coronation Street pushes a boulder from a cliff onto his head
— Mollie Goodfellow (@hansmollman) November 1, 2022
The thought of Hancock with kangaroo balls is just too much.
— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) November 1, 2022
Hancock on I'm A Celeb? Catch him and study him. Somewhere in that DNA is the cure for imposter syndrome
— Laura Lexx – Autumn Tour On Sale! (@lauralexx) November 1, 2022
When Matt Hancock is served a kangaroo anus on I'm A Celebrity will it be referred to as a protective ring?
Regardless, as a serving MP it's a testament to all his hard work that he has the spare time to go away while Parliament is sitting.
— HENRY MORRIS (@mrhenrymorris) November 1, 2022
As much as I want the guy to eat a bowl of kangaroo anuses should he not be doing some actual work pic.twitter.com/MJBnnOPns2
— James Felton (@JimMFelton) November 1, 2022