
This Tinder introduction is very funny and totally infuriating

As we may have mentioned once or twice before, we’re not on Tinder and this sort of thing is precisely why we’re glad we’re not.

Well, that and the relentless rejection, obviously.

‘The initial chat shouldn’t be this hard!’ said tuttipeachyfrutti who shared the exchange on Reddit.


‘What are your interests and views?

‘I have a lot of them

‘Like what?

‘Too many to count

‘Could you tell me some of them

‘I wouldn’t know where to start


‘The less interested your match is in you, the harder the chat is.’

Isn’t that a Tame Impala song?’

This person had a bit of advice, but it seems a little bit harsh.

‘What are your Interests and views?’

‘Could you ask a more vague, boring question. If you want someone to engage with you it helps to ask something engaging.’

‘They’re responding to the most vague and boring question though. “I want someone who shares my interests and views” can only lead into “ok wat r those”.’


This Tinder chat was doomed to fail but he went out in magnificent style

Source Reddit u/tuttipeachyfrutti