
18 comically entitled parents to have you bellowing into next year

We’ve featured no shortage of outrageously entitled people on these pages over the years but there’s something about entitled parents that really gets people’s goat.

Maybe it’s the feeling that they should know better, or maybe it’s that awful and all too common tactic of using their children to try to get stuff on the cheap or for free.

And you surely won’t find too many parents more entitled than these 18 …

1. ‘Selling a used iMac for $1200, woman asks “how low” I would sell it for, or if I’d take 800 and some jewelry she makes. Oh and I also ruined Christmas’


2. ‘I can buy things that aren’t too useful for myself, but when I need a gift for my kid, I want someone else to pay for it’


3. “I’m a single mom. Let me buy this for 15% of your asking price!”


4. ‘Choosing beggar tries to use their kid as an excuse to get a Supreme shirt for super cheap’


5. ‘Apparently I ruined someone’s Christmas?’


6. ‘Mom calling her kid’s school and tries to have the school nurse diagnose and treat her lady parts over the phone’


7. ‘Purple is looking for free Christmas gifts for her infant- but suggestions are “not worth it”


8. ‘Make it fair! Her kid is crying!’
