
Working from home with pets – a one-act play

We’re probably supposed to say that this is a downside of working from home – but we can’t do that. Just look at it.

Somebody needs to play with that dog, ASAP.

The post, shared by u/racingdegenerate250, has only been up for 10 hours and it’s had more than 18,000 upvotes and nearly 600 comments – including these.

So this is why it always sounds like my customer service agents are wrestling a hurricane through a rock band microphone.

Throw the damn shoe.

She is sitting on the FLOOR. That’s dog code for let’s play, I’m on your level, it’s go time.

He’s really well behaved – lol.

This is why Zoom is so much fun. No one on that call thought that was inappropriate.

Her roughness worried some people.

I really dont like the little smacks, i know shes not actually hitting him but just the way shes doing it worries me.

I can promise the dog does not give a single f*ck. It’s not hurting it or scaring it.

Somebody had to say it – and it was, appropriately enough – u/LassieVegas.

It’s a Zoomies meeting.


Bad day working from home? Could be worse, you could be working here

Source u/racingdegenerate250 Image Screengrab