
The blistering takedown of this ‘a-hole neckbeard’ on Tinder is sheer perfection

The downside of Tinder – apart from, well, everything – is that you end up interacting with people who you would never, ever come across in real life.

And they surely don’t come any worse than this, an exchange shared by 20rukia10 over on Reddit who said: ‘Arsehole neckbeard gets taken down a peg or two.’

We’ve blurred out most of what they had to say for reasons which will become obvious (because no-one needs to read that again). But it’s all about the response, naturally.

100% that.

‘This went from 0 to racist in about an hour and 48 minutes.’

‘He’s just trying to be edgy to get attention. Can’t tell the difference between positive and negative attention.’

‘He was looking for some “right this minute” attention and then threw a full on bigotry tantrum when he didn’t get it. It’s the “instant gratification” the entitled generation at its worst.’

“Hmm, I can’t get a response out of her at 10:30 on a weeknight when she’s probably not checking a dating app. I know! I’ll spew bigotry, that’ll get a response from her!”

“Why don’t women like me? :(”

‘He might want to check the spelling of Hitlers first name before going through with that name change. On second guess it would be much funnier if he changed it to the wrong spelling.’


This guy was matched with a bot on Tinder so he ran with it and it’s brilliant

Source Reddit u/20rukia10