
David Dimbleby’s Liz Truss burn was a masterclass in subtle savagery

For what is believed to be the first time in history, seven former prime ministers stood at the Cenotaph for the national Remembrance Sunday service at Whitehall.

Liz Truss, Boris Johnson, Theresa May, David Cameron, Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and John Major attended the service in memory of the nation’s war dead.

Truss, of course, was only PM for 44 days and her presence naturally didn’t escape people’s attention …

But the reason we mention it is because of David Dimbleby’s always peerless commentary for the BBC, which included this masterclass in subtle savagery (yes Liz Truss, we’re looking at you).



9 of the funniest and most brutal takedowns of the week

Source Twitter @Haggis_UK