
Jacob Rees-Mogg tried to own Krishnan Guru-Murthy and came across like a right Steve Baker

You’ll remember that unfortunate moment when Krishnan Guru-Murthy was caught by a live online feed being less than complimentary about former Brexit minister Steve Baker.

The Channel 4 News man later apologised and disappeared off air for a week or two, but he’s now back on air doing what he does best.

We mention it again because he was interviewing Jacob Rees-Mogg on C4 News on Thursday night and the haunted Victorian pencil couldn’t resist bringing it up during a discussion about Brexit.

If he thought it was a big win then he was mistaken, and he just ended up looking like a right Steve Baker.

Nicely handled, KGM.

And here are just a few of the many things people said about it.



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Source Twitter @cleanfeed_ttvr