
A right-wing journalist’s rebuke of Kathy Burke for swearing was the Self-own of the Year

Carole Malone, whose News of the World claim that illegal immigrants are given ‘free cars’ led to a retraction and apology by the now defunct newspaper, walked herself into a Twitter storm at the weekend.

While attempting to stir up some culture war nonsense, she had a pop at a bona fide national treasure.

via Gfycat

Tweeters weren’t prepared to sit back and let anyone criticise Kathy Burke – and certainly not for the imaginary crimes of ‘being woke’ and ‘swearing too much’.

There was another reason why Carole Malone should have thought twice before picking that particular battle, and the wonderful Janey Godley drew her attention to it.

Her response was a texbook example of unwise doubling down.

Janey was happy to oblige.

She wasn’t the only one.

Kathy saw the resulting ownfest and had this relatable reaction.

If you want to find the small businesses that Kathy spent her day retweeting, they’re in the replies to this tweet


This Brexiter’s defence of the Supreme Court judges went viral because it needed to be said

Source Carole Malone Image Screengrab