
Greg tried talking dirty and it really didn’t end well for him in this fabulous NSFW exchange

Over on Twitter the great Becky Holmes – @deathtospinach – shares fabulous screenshots of her hilarious takedowns of scammers and people sending her unsolicited sex pics and the like.

You might already be familiar with the way Becky deals with them, but if you don’t – or even if you do – this is a classic of the genre.

We’ve blurred out the worst of it but be warned – it’s not always pleasant (but it is very, very funny).

‘He started off annoyed with me because I wasn’t responding to his photos so I tried to win him round by doing what he asked but I think I got it all wrong again,’ wrote Becky. ‘I’m really not very good at this sexy talk.’


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Source Twitter @deathtospinach