
This manager’s shocking staff sickness policy got just the responses it deserved

The corner of Reddit called ‘antiwork’ is full of bosses who you’re very glad you don’t work for, making outrageous demands on their staff and occasionally ending up brutally owned.

Today’s glimpse into this world of awful employers – a world that’s getting ever bigger, by all accounts – comes courtesy of sunny_sideeye who said: ‘iT’s YoUr ReSpOnSibiLiTy tHo 🙄😡’

And it’s quite the exchange.

And all these people surely hit the nail on the head.

‘I’m a manager. I handle call outs all the time. I have never even considered telling my employees to find their own replacements. The very idea is absurd. I’m the manager; that’s a management task.’

‘Its literally the Job of the Manager to make sure shifts are staffed.’

“Hi Manager, as per my responsibilities I looked for a replacement for me tomorrow. I failed to find a suitable replacement and you will be short staffed. Dealing with short staffing is your responsibility, so I leave that up to you, cheers.”

‘Manager wisdom of the day:

‘If you can’t find someone to cover for you when you’re sick, just stop being sick. 😎👉👉’

‘Text back and ask how to put in your hours for trying to find coverage. It’s illegal to work for free and you wouldn’t want the company to get in trouble.’

Only one question remained.

‘How do Americans live?.’

‘Stressed out. Very, very stressed out and tired.’

‘I smoke weed.’


This outrageously entitled request for free art got all the responses it deserved and more

Source Reddit u/sunny_sideeye