27 times ‘mild vandalism’ made the world a funnier (and happier) place
15. ‘Result!’
16. ‘Some Of The Old Tiles In The Underpass Fell Off’
17. ‘A tribute to Bruce Wills found in my office area’
18. ‘Classic’
19. ‘Who You Gonna Call?’
20. ‘Caution: Falling Sheep’
21. ‘The city says it will take at least 7 years to construct a bike lane so we drew one in chalk connecting a big trail with some neighborhoods to show how easy it could be. Paint coming soon’
22. ‘Some fitting tape over the sign’
23. ‘Nice’
24. ‘We All Shall Applaud The Jellyfish!!’
25. ‘He Did The Math’
26. ‘Communal Or Solitary Pooping’
27. ‘Childish Response’
17 people who absolutely, positively had a worse November than you from ‘Well, that sucks’ on Reddit
Source Reddit r/MildlyVandalised H/T BoredPanda