
This puppy milk latte mix-up was funny – but the responses put the little heart in the foam

It’s very easy to mix up similar packaging and, for example, pour cinnamon into your one-pot supper instead of cumin, or to lash in soy sauce instead of balsamic vinegar.

What we’re saying is that some things should never be stored side by side. That’s our top tip for u/MBitesss, even if it is a bit late now.

They wrote –

‘Think I just made my boyfriend a puppy milk latte.’

Perhaps he liked it and will be begging for more.

Redditors thought it was pretty funny – and they made it even funnier with these responses.

At least he now gets shiny fur.

He should be alright, unless he starts chasing cars and growls at cats.

I mean… storing these like this was asking for an accident to happen. My tired ass would make myself a puppy milk coffee in the morning too XD.

At least it wasn’t an oat milk latte…

Furst world problems.

My drunk ass made Mac n cheese with hummingbird feeder instead of milk one time. It was delicious and sweet.

My niece comes to my wife and I one morning we’re with her and, she’s eating cereal and then says “This milk tastes bad, I don’t want it.” and my wife goes to inspect what’s wrong with the milk.

My niece had poured herself a bowl of cereal and egg whites. Because the egg whites were in the fridge next to the milk in a similar cardboard container.

WTF is up with that bottle on the left. A girl dressed as a duck, with the head taken off? Just…why?

He woofed it down.


There was an inevitable question.

How does one milk puppies on a commercial scale?

Luckily – sort of – u/ChemicalWar908 had an answer.

You can milk anything with nipples at an industrial scale.


Girlfriend’s unfortunate ‘chewna’ mix-up goes viral

Source r/funny, Image r/funny,, Engin Akyurt on Pixabay